Welcome to Higher Standard!




CLY Orthodontic Studio, Taipei, Taiwan

Welcome to "higher" standard orthodontic world! We try our best to offer you the best braces service in Taiwan. We are dedicated to advanced technology and professional technique to improve all the facial esthetics. Hope all the patients can gain the latest news and service from us.

2024年4月16日 星期二

正顎手術嗎?戽斗開咬 Correction of True Class III Occlusion 單純矯正案例!


    “We don't want the orthodontic treatment is for aligning teeth only. We always think about this way: what would it be after 2 year, 5 year or even 10 year? What would be the role of the treatment result?”

    "We hope the patients are confident and grateful. We pursue the excellence of details, and this is the respect of nature. So, it is possible to become timeless."






"Extraction to resolve the protrusive upper and lower lip"

Compared to the previous case, the "face-oriented" treatment philosophy help me decide to do extraction to have the better lip relationship.  In the world of pure orthodontic treatment without invasive surgery, we also can have astonished, like the painting, balance and simple elegant cures to describe best orthodontic results.


    “We don't want the orthodontic treatment is for aligning teeth only. We always think about this way: what would it be after 2 year, 5 year or even 10 year? What would be the role of the treatment result?”

    "We hope the patients are confident and grateful. We pursue the excellence of details, and this is the respect of nature. So, it is possible to become timeless."

2024年4月3日 星期三



“ We chase logic from the beauty. So, we can create elegant and natural curvature and results of the face and dentition. We focus on the facial changes from the orthodontic treatment alone. It's a process of magnification.  Its effects are far from what the straight dentition can provide."    -Dr. CLY 


"Anterior crown proper correction makes the roots more lingual, which creates more natural look of the face. The space of wisdom teeth is closed by the distal movement of all dentition, which make the face with deposition."



2024年4月1日 星期一

非正顎手術方法解決骨性歪斜 Skeletal Asymmetry

 Exceptional Orthodontic Results  齊杏齒顎矯正專科-非手術改正歪斜

    Making the perfect smile and facial profile requires rewriting the knowledge of braces. Dr. Yeh consistently strive to push the limit of himself of what is technically possible. The results are magnificent with flawless occlusion and even better looking faces. 

    五十年來,自從 Dr. Hugo Obwegeser 在 Waler Reed Army Hospital 為美國士兵執行正顎手術,開啟了美國齒顎矯正專科醫師與外科醫師的成功合作篇章,矯正合併正顎手術已經歷經許多臨床診斷、技術、術後追蹤的成功經驗。


    矯正治療中,我們拔除原本可能不需要拔除的下顎第一小臼齒以用來改善下唇外突。讓臉型更對稱與平衡,並使用迷你骨釘來做錨定作用。 矯正治療後,可以發現外觀的重要改變,鼻唇角的變大使得鼻型極為自然與立體,下巴因為下顎門牙的後移而使下唇得到可以放鬆使得形態更為美觀。




"Anterior crown labial rotation makes the roots more lingual, which creates the natural look of the face. The space of wisdom teeth is closed by the distal movement of all dentition, which make the face with deposition."


      Making the perfect smile and facial profile requires rewriting the knowledge of braces. Dr. Yeh consistently strive to push the limit of himself of what is technically possible. The results are magnificent with flawless occlusion and even better looking faces. 



    在看似整齊的齒列中,其實有當初拔牙未關閉完全的空間。 我看起來整齊的上顎齒列, 其實仍過於外突。而下顎齒列由於之前矯正排列的不夠完善,而有向前向右過於外側的情況,都由我們更為要求的矯正手法而改善。藉由下顎咬合平面的逆時鐘旋轉,而讓兩側的下顎骨角更為ㄧ致!此為類正顎矯正治療的核心價值之ㄧ。

2024年2月19日 星期一

側臉,訴說-- 追求完美的決心。 非正顎手術,無任何醫美。


“  We use simple lines and curves to express extremely complicated orthodontic thinking , we chase logic from the beauty. So, we can create elegant and natural curvature and results of the face and dentition. We focus on the facial changes from the orthodontic treatment alone. It's a process of magnification.  Its effects are far from what the straight dentition can provide."    -Dr. CLY






"Orthodontic treatment is not as simple as resolving occlusion problem. It should give the face deeper spirit of beauty thorough facial expression and language.  It can combine beauty, thinking and art in the treatment."    -Dr. CLY

2024年2月5日 星期一

骨暴矯正: 告 別 傳 統 OUTRENOIR


"Orthodontic treatment is not as simple as resolving occlusion problem. It should give the face deeper spirit of beauty thorough facial expression and language.  It can combine beauty, thinking and art in the treatment."    -Dr. CLY



    Almost 10 years ago, I was trained in the united states right after graduated from dental school, therefore I preferred the more westernized facial profile. However, due to the fast and rapid global information and after treating more patients, I develop myself a more consolidated facial profile concept for the Taiwanese beauties.

    In Taiwan, lots of our patients come to visit us due to their unpleasant facial profile. In fact, they have not only braces problem alone, but also have the skeletal problem, such as over-growth jaws and protrusive alveolar bones.

    Those protrusive facial appearances actually can't be completely resolved by chin augmentation (Genioplasy) or nose augmentation (Rhinoplasty), since the results will be ended up with more protrusive characters on the face, making the appearance look hideous or just not beautiful.



    The protrusive dentition can be treated by extraction and moving the front teeth backward to make the nasal profile look more prominent and the chin button look more forward. All of these will make the profile look more westernized and appropriate in shape. However, before doing this by orthodontically alone, you will need to consult the professional orthodontist, instead of general dentist. The capable orthodontist should provide you the informative data and treatment plan before starting the treatment.